I Expect You To Die 2 offers some of the best Virtual Reality experiences and game play you can find in 2021 at the moment. From Picking up a clipboard and blocking bolts from a crossbow and turning around and using them, to punching buttons to order food and cutting off the antagonists with a directors clapper board, I Expect You To Die 2 leaves little to be desired. Each mission has its own theme and nothing really feels repetitive or Overused. Within the missions are you challenged in different ways and you are very much rewarded for speed running and trying new things.

Comfort And Controls
Schell Games prioritizes comfort over everything else and it really shows. You don’t have to move much at all and all the movement is twisting and turning. This game is great for handicap people who cannot stand or otherwise. There is not much leaning at all and you do not burn a lot of energy vs games like Onward and Legendary Tales. Overall your comfort is their highest priority and saves you a lot of energy.

Level Design
All 6 levels are easy to play and just as easy to memorize, even for those with terrible memory. Repetition is mastery and you will find yourself learning the levels quickly as you play around with things around the level and discover some very nice hidden scenes and sequences. You will just have to discover some of them for yourself!

Final Thoughts
You have honest and unbiased reviews.
I loved using your rig. I was right in the games.