You’re almost though this, Agent! Get yourself out of there and retrieve the briefcase! In this mission, do not forget to set the backdrop of the news room to the golden “Z” background.
Take The Knife From The Table And Cut The Second Drawers LockTake The Lighter And Burn The SignTake An Item And Blast The First Laser With The Guided MissileTake Another Item And Trick The Guided Missile To Hit ItselfTake The Battery From The Guided Missile Attach The Battery To The Drill And Collect The 3 Pronged Drill Bit And Attach It As WellLook Up And Unscrew The PanelGrab The Red Laser Bit And Attach It To The Drill ( Change The Backdrop From The World Map To Zoraxis Logo)Adjust The Mirror To This Angle To Bounce The Laser To Break FreePoint The Laser Into The Mirror In The Trailer And Overhead The Containment FieldLook Up And To The Left And Over The Top Of The Catwalk To Find The Watertower