This article will show you where the locations of the Hanger 21 Map dogtag are for the phantom program elevator requirement.
The tags spawn after the first 5 minutes of the round and every 5 mins everytime the box is unlocked(knifed).
The first locations you should be looking is at the ‘A’ flag. This can spawn near the pillars on the top balconies of the Titan Factory next to a white generator. Or near on the rear end of the forklift on the same level. If you head south on the level A you can find the tag sitting on top of a set of square white water containers.

On the Bravo flag you can find the dog tag on a small white platform that sits on a shed on the west side of the Titan factory ground floor. Another location is on the West side of the Bravo Exhaust vent on the Vent floor near the pipes or the east maintenance tunnel behind the north face of the tunnel.

You can find the the dogtag on ‘C’ flag in many locations. Check behind the gate on the east side of the flag in between some rocks. Check the I pillar beams at chest level near the forklift. If you search between the logistics vehicle located on the east side of E loading dock you will find the box near the rear end between the tires on the passenger side. Check near the white block containers near the west end of the flag, again on top. Lastly, check the rock surfaces of the rock group just west of Loading dock A01.

Behind the fence at the C flag next to the power junction box you will find the dog tag between some small rocks. maneuver your way behind the fence and scan the ground for the box.

Make your way the building at the radio tower objective then go into the door way and face the server racks on the west side of the room. Look on the ground where the servers meet the wall and you will find the box. Not that if this building is destroyed it will not spawn here and it may be impossible to knife the box if debris falls onto the box itself.
Check the Delta’s server room in the corner where the wall meets the servers. Check the pips on the southwest side of the flag inside of the bush.
Before running up the stairs to the top of the tower check between the boxes on the south face and you will find the dog tag box.
Run up to the top of the radio tower and stop when you see a set of shipping crates near the rail gun pickup. the dog tag box will be under the shipping pallet.

You can find the box on the ‘E’ Location on the ground near the tree with no limbs. You can also find it in the south east of ‘E’ behind the rocks.

You can find the box near the ‘F’ flag by the snowmobile spawn and near the pipes on the ground adjacent to the boxes. You can also find the box near the shipping pallets on the ground next to the electrical junction boxes. Or on top of the small squad platform on the roof of the shack with the sat link dish. If you search outside of the gate to the west of the flag you will find the box hidden next to a set of rocks just short of the river.