When you are at the train depot ‘E’ flag you should check inside of the box cars for the dog tag. It may spawn in the last or second to the last box car so check all of them when searching the area. Bring a flash light with you so you can shine it into the shadowy corners of the box car.
Make your way to the F flag and climb the rock face in order to jump down on to the roof of the entrance where the box spawns. It will be in the shadows and on top of the white paint. It is really easy to miss this location as you run around the map looking in easily accessible locations so check this location often.
Check the west side of the ‘F’ flag ( Shipping Depot) near the truck’s driver side door and fuel tank for the dog tag location. If you run past this location you may miss the box so take your time searching this area.
The tag will spawn on the car at the ‘A’ flag at two places, on the driver seat and on the hood.

Go into the research area inside the C flag and run south to the hallway door. Veer right and look for the walker foot inside of the office cubicle area. There you will find the box sitting on the desk.