OnwardVR: The Best Tactical Teamwork Shooter For Virtual Reality!

Onward Vr has got to be one of the most action packed, thrilling shooters / milsim that i have played to date.
Having logged over 1500 Hours in Squad as a Squad Leader, and 1000 hours between Battlefield 3 and Battlfield 4, i have turned to Virtual reality, and with it, OnwardVR.
What is Onward VR you may ask?
Onward is a mil-sim tactical shooter that features multiplayer in virtual reality; as well as a wealth of other game modes and maps.
You can dodge RPGS, duck under roadblocks, blind fire over a truck and into markets, or take to the rooftops and become a terror of the night with your night vision goggles.
Well, whats so great about that you may ask?
Because its only your tactical knowledge that limits you in this game, so start your workout on your apple watch and watch those calories melt away, as you discover muscles you haven’t used since
Physical Education Class in high school! Do not worry! You wont get marked down for half-assing your crouch or duck behind cover, instead you’ll just die.
Immersion when it comes to Virtual Reality shooters like Onward takes gaming to a WHOLE new level of getting into the game.
Its not a gimmick, its not a meme, and its not a joke. When you’re in the competitive servers, or even the normal servers, and you have accurate gunfire coming down on you,
you no longer feel the need to push and rush them as they spray rounds into your door way.
You will find yourself pinned in a room for minutes at a time as you just listen over your radio, and try to figure out whats happening to your team.
Re spawning, and peeking, and waiting it out become more favorable than just bolting from your spot.
Bounding while your squad mates fire on an enemy becomes more natural, and just about everything you WOULD do in a video game becomes perfect second nature!
So Here are my Thoughts and First Impressions on Onward VR.

1. Gameplay
Gun Play, bullet drop, mechanics, and equipment feel fantastic.
The Maps are tailored really well. Maps like Quarantine and Downfall are some of the larger, more difficult maps to play on, and because they are, they are some
of the most fun and rewarding maps you will ever enjoy out of a game like Onward.
Game Modes are very enjoyable, and besides being forced into some multiplayer game modes like Assault, which has a limited respawn of only a shared pool of 15 tickets, it also has the objective based game play, where one team defends its satellite dish, while the other team comes in and tries to send their 6 digit code in close proximity of the enemies defenses.
The Icing on the cake for this game mode is that its very dynamic in its team play. You are able to pull out your tablet and get the code for the guy that rushed the objective, get over the radio,
tell him the code, and he can enter it.

Bullet drop feels real, and for my readers that are into shooting guns and going to the range, you might know a thing or two about MOA and hold overs, well that’s defiantly a thing here in this game.
The Red dot does feel like it has MOA ( Or Minute of angle) The ACOG feels extremely accurate, and the Holo Sight and Magnifier can still get very accurate when shot with discipline.
Over all, this game feels great shooting guns.
Equipment feels full fledged, polished, and useful, and very well implemented.
In Competitive modes, you are limited to 15 points, which makes picking your load out ALOT more difficult… sometimes dropping something you really enjoy for something more practical.
You are also given two different load out pages, and these are mainly used for day and night.
The Mechanics of this game feel fantastic as well.
Pulling a sniper rifle mag from its well feels as real as it gets.
Dropping a mag with its mag release and doing a tactical reload from the belt feels SO…SO GOOD.
And pulling the charging handle sounds and feels just a gritty as a mil-spec charging handle you bought from Anderson Manufacturing for 12 dollars.
(Well done, Downpour, Well Done.)

2.The Maps
Onward brings to the table 8 small to large scale maps, with TONS more to play though from the Steam Workshop.
You are even able to play the old Call of duty maps from the original games. (Like Terminal!)
Maps like Quarantine and Downfall are your expected sniper maps. They are longer range and have a lot of windows to check. Even more different points to get shot from.
Quarantine offers all of the squad play. Your 249 gunner can post up on almost any roof and it will have a strategic overlook onto a couple other different points of the map.
Climbing the airplane wing to get to a overlook position and start sniping, or tuck yourself away into a deep dark room, point your scope out the window, and snipe with an seriously unfair advantage,
as the other team tries to figure out where they are being sniped from.
Maps like Bazaar are smaller and more action packed.
The time getting though your lanes (as we call them) is shorter, you have more cover, but you have to check your flanks a LOT more.
As you get into the fight in the middle of the map, defenders have more ability to hide and take cover, while the attackers have less cover to deliver their code!
(I Will be having a map breakdown and analysis post later on so stay tuned for that!