Welcome to my walk though and Easter Egg guide for the Black Dice Camo!
This guide will teach you how to do the black dice camo yourself!
Below are some quick tips to maximize your chances at getting this camo the first time!
1.Capture all the flags to start ticket bleed with the helicopter of your choice, You may place a radio beacon the designated island mentioned below.
2. You will need Recon class, as well as a sniper rifle you feel comfortable with, a recon beacon in case you make a mistake.
3. Do not destroy the environment around you; it is possible to ruin your attempts at getting the camo. To get to the small island later on, its best practice to take a boat to the area on the map.

After you are stuck by lightning, deploy down below with your spawn beacon.

Be sure to be on this island. (as shown with the squad leader icon)

Go to the islands North East of The Carrier.
Stand on the tree on the most South West corner paired with some parrots.
You are standing high enough when the coconuts are in your face.

Turn around and look at the shore line at Delta beach head.
You will see a bright light in the water; shoot it.
Look to the sky and look for a UFO.
The UFO will dive underwater, don’t lose sight of it.
After the short but sweet animation, you will have your brand new Black Dice Camo.

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If you have any questions or need help feel free to join us on the Discord!