Unlock The Dice LA Camo Here! Morse Code Decoder Link Below!
There are two parts to the DICE LA Camo unlock!
1.Join an unranked conquest large dragon valley 2015 server and solve a puzzle then decode Morse code in light.
2.Join a ranked conquest large dragon valley 2015 server and enter the unique code you received from the Morse code into a water tower.
Spawn in as recon and take a heli and fly to “H” flag or Hotel “Temple”
(Note the default lights lanterns already turned on before any other switches are toggled and plug these into the calculator.)
Enter these default lights into the initial states field in BF4solver.exe
Switch #1
Fly to the shrine (Pagoda) and active at the switch.
Fly back to Temple and record the lanterns that are lit into the calculator app.Then turn off Pagoda switch and go back to temple to verity initial lights are on.
Switch #2
Fly to the tree switch and blow up the dead tree on the rock. Turn on the tree and fly back to temple and note which lanterns are on. lug this data into the lantern solver program. Fly back to the tree and turn it off then fly back to “Temple” to verify the lights are default lights.
Switch #3
Fly to furnace switch at “Charlie” flag and active at the switch. Fly back to Temple and record the lanterns that are lit into the calculator app. Then turn off furnace switch and go back to temple to verify initial lights are on.
Switch #4
Fly to the “Golf” flag (Pier) and active at the switch. Fly back to Temple and record the lanterns that are lit into the calculator app. Then turn off Pier switch and go back to temple to verity initial lights are on.
Switch 5
Fly to the Waterfall Switch At “Echo” and active at the switch. Fly back to Temple and record the lanterns that are lit into the calculator app.
Then turn off Waterfall switch and go back to temple to verity initial lights are on.
Switch #6
Fly to the smoke stack on “Echo” and active at the switch. Fly back to Temple and record the lanterns that are lit into the calculator app.
Then turn off Boulder switch and go back to temple to verify initial lights are on.
Switch #7
After you toggle on the last switch, in this case, Temple, note all the lights/lanterns that are on and SOLVE for the solution BEFORE TURNING OFF THE LAST SWITCH.
If the last switch is NOT part of the solution given to you by the program then you MUST TURN OFF the switch.
ALL SWITCHES in the solution must be TOGGLED ON.
PsychoDuck Lantern Decoder And Solver And Morse Decoder Download Link
Once you have toggled on all the switches in the solution you will hear a positive beep in at all switches and the keypad will appear on the wood pillar on the east side of the temple hallways.
Enter this code: 839 80 80 00 00
Enter the code correctly and you will hear a positive beep and the lantern will begin to flash morse code.
Within this morse code is your unique individual code to unlock your camo. WRITE IT DOWN.
Use PsychoDuck program tools ( LOCATED HERE) to decode the morse message.
Open and place the Morse code decoder over the lantern and click on the grey box to start to place the cross hairs.
Take this code you received from the program and go to a ranked dragon valley server and stand on the west side of the water tower shaft for 2 mins and then press a button that appears at your feet. Stand up after pressing the button and enter your code quickly. If you mess up you have to stand again for 2 mins before the switch appears.
Once you input the code correctly you will hear a positive beep and Neebs from Battlefield Friends will yell “PROMOTED!”
Let the round finish!